
Dan crna gora hronika
Dan nezavisnosti Crne Gore
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Ostavi komentar Pravila komentarisanja sadržaja Portala RTCG Poštujući načelo demokratičnosti, kao i pravo građana da slobodno i kritički iznose mišljenje o pojavama, procesima, događajima i ličnostima, u cilju razvijanja kulture javnog dijaloga, na Portalu nijesu dozvoljeni komentari koji vrijeđaju dostojanstvo ličnosti ili sadrže prijetnje, govor mržnje, neprovjerene optužbe, kao i rasističke poruke. Nedugo nakon ubistva policija je na Ćemovskom polju pronašla zapaljeni bijeli Golf 6 koji je, sumnja se, korišćen, prilikom ubistva. Crna Gora je poslednja od država nekadašnje SFRJ koja se odlučila na samostalan put.
Prema zvaničnim rezultatima, na referendumu je glasalo 419. Zadovoljni ste poslovnim stanjem. Na Crnogorskoj antifašističkoj narodnoj skupštini, održanoj krajem 1944.
Crna Gora: Danas odavanje pošte Dušku Jovanoviću, stradalom uredniku - Prema podacima RRK, pravo glasa na referendumu imalo je 484 hiljade i 718 građana. Partner očekuje da mu posvetite više vremena,...
Crnogorsku nezavisnost podržalo je 230. Održavanju referenduma prethodili su pregovori predstavnika blokova za nezavisnost i zajedničku državu preko slovačkog diplomate i posrednika Evropske unije Miroslava Lajčaka. U višemesečnim pregovorima najviše sporenja bilo je oko većine koja je potrebna da bi referendum uspeo. Uz posredovanje EU, dogovoreno da je za uspeh referenduma potrebna podrška 55 odsto od ukupnog broja izašlih birača. Referendum je nadgledalo više od 3. Skupština Crne Gore usvojila je Zakon o državnim praznicima, prema kojem je 21. Povodom Dana nezavisnosti, 21. Lukšić: Država sigurno korača u evropsku budućnost Crnogorski premijer Igor Lukšić organizovao je, u petak, prijem povodom Dana nezavisnosti na Cetinju, na kome je rekao da je ta država za šest godina nezavisnosti pokazala da može uspešno da odgovori svim izazovima i da sigurno korača u evropsku budućnost. Prema njegovim rečima, Crna Gora je za šest godina nakon sticanja nezavisnosti ostvarila značajne rezultate. Premijer je u rezultate ubrojao u viznu liberalizaciju, odnosno dobijanje statusa kandidata za članstvo u EU. Kredibilan smo regionalni i međunarodni partner. Prema rečima Lukovca, dobro je to što se pokazalo da nezavisnost nije izazvala nestabilnost u državi, što su tvrdili protivnici osamostaljenja. Lukovac je ocenio da je opozicija u Crnoj Gori takva da vlast njome može plašiti građane da će izgubiti i državu, ako bi na izborima pobedile neke opozicione stranke. Odnos opozicije prema nezavisnoj državi pokazao je i prijem koji je u prošli petak, na Cetinju, priredio premijer Igor Lukšić - nije došao predstavnik nijedne jače opozicione političke partije.
Šetači po mjesecu - Crna hronika jedne mladosti
Za predsednika Republičke referendumske komisije RRK izabran je Slovak František Lipka. Skupština Crne Gore prethodno je usvojila Zakon o referendumu, koji je dogovoren uz preporuku Evropske unije. Prema rečima Lukovca, dobro je to što se pokazalo da nezavisnost nije izazvala nestabilnost u državi, što su tvrdili protivnici osamostaljenja. Na Crnogorskoj antifašističkoj narodnoj skupštini, održanoj krajem 1944. Dan navodi da su majka i brat ubijenog Kruščića na putu ka Urgentnom centru, nakon što su saznali da je Miodrag napadnut, imali saobraćajni udes. Za izdvajanje iz tadašnje Državne zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora ključan je datum referenduma, kada je većina građana rekla da ne želi više da bude u zajedničkoj državi. Ostavi komentar Pravila komentarisanja sadržaja Portala RTCG Poštujući načelo demokratičnosti, kao i pravo građana da slobodno i kritički iznose mišljenje o pojavama, procesima, događajima i ličnostima, u cilju razvijanja kulture javnog dijaloga, na Portalu nijesu dozvoljeni komentari koji vrijeđaju dostojanstvo ličnosti ili sadrže prijetnje, govor mržnje, neprovjerene optužbe, kao i rasističke poruke. Premijer je u rezultate ubrojao u viznu liberalizaciju, odnosno dobijanje statusa kandidata za članstvo u EU. U višemesečnim pregovorima najviše sporenja bilo je oko većine koja je potrebna da bi referendum uspeo.

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Kontakt molim samo sms-om na broj mob. Ugovorite svoju poziciju: ®ena 46 godina, razvedena, ima odraslog sina,zaposlena, ¾eli upoznati muskarca s djecicom u inozemstvu... Molim samo ozbiljne i iskrene ponude. Kontakt molim samo sms-om na mob:+385 0 95 872 4798................... Muskarac 58 godina,zivim u Svicarskoj. Trazim slobodnu srednjovjecnu zenu za prijateljstvo i moguci brak.... Muškarac 36 godina,dobrog izgleda,trazim ¾ensku osobu za brak iz dijaspore , +387 65 836214....... ®ena iz Ukrajine, lijepa, vitka, uredna tra¾i situiranog ozbiljnog muškarca za upoznavanje i za brak. Sve ostalo na mail :........ Muškarac tra¾i ¾enu ugonog vanjskog izgleda zenu Hrvaricu dobi 40 -50 visine do 168 tez do 65 iskrenu i postenu pedantnu radi braka trazi Hrvat iz Amerike. Tra¾e se Makedonke za vezu brak ¾ivot u Hrvatskoj, Jadran. Ozbiljni gospodini Vas oèekuju 0385 99 7008920 SMS........ Tra¾e se ¾enske osobe iz Vojvodine, Makedonije, Bosne i Hercegovine, za vezu - brak 0921258420......... Nazovite avona Rijeka 0922400731........... Tra¾e se ¾enske osobe iz biv¹e juge za ozbiljnu vezu. ®ivot u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Vojvodina, Makedonija, Crna Gora, Slovenija 00385997008920............. Zgodna slobodna Èehinja 30 tih god ¹kolovana, ¾eli upoznat mu¹karca za vezu brak sa JADRANA prednost OPATIJA I OKOLICA 0922989615...................... Poslovna ¾ena, intelektualka, 50. BRACNE PONUDE IZ EUROPE I INOZEMSTVA Tra¾ite li partnera, bilo gdje u svijetu koji vam odgovara? Doðite i upoznajte nove ljude! Osobni oglasi, profili, porukice i jos mnogo toga zabavnoga. Zgodna, crne kose, smeðe oèi, 168cm, 68k, povratnica, ¹kolovana, 53 godine, tra¾im zgodnog visokog muskarca iskljuèivo za ljubav i brak, da je veæi i jaèi od mene, da ima dobre naravi, da voli ¹alu i izlaziti gdje bilo, i da tra¾i svoju najbolju prijateljicu-ljubavnicu. Ozbiljna sam, razvedena, 39 godna, iz BiH, jedno odraslo dijete. ®elim ¾ivot van granica Bosne i Hrvatske ako postoji osoba za vezu i brak, nacija nebitna 0922400731......................................... Find your soul mate and devote your heart. The enhanced Velida Agency offers you a great variety of singles women profiles, services and real time support. Our women are living in Bulgaria, USA, England and other countries! Agencija za braèno posredni¹tvo : Sveta obitelj spaja iskljuèivo za ozbiljne veze i brak 095 8275943................ ®elim pozvat na ljetovanje jednog udovca od 62--67 god. Tra¾im slobodnu ¾enu Slovenku koja ¾ivi u Ljubljani 46 do 53god. Zgodna studentica u Zagrebu iz Makedonije tra¾i dru¹tvo za dobru zabavu. Molim te kontaktiraj me. ®eljni ste novog poznanstva radi dru¾enja, veze, braka, avanture ili samo ugodnog razgovora? Online dating and marriage agency in Europa. Easy and quick registration, online datings, security for your profiles and photos, full support. Come and find your partner! Free of charge for women! ®ene besplatno za HR,BiH, SI. GSM: 00385 0 99- 6874214 12. Copyright 1999 - 2001 Croatian Information Centre. Included in this bulletin: Reproduction or copying of images is prohibited. Croatian Information Centre - Service Agreements Contact.
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Ukoliko nije tako, imate razloga za sumnju. ®ena iz Ukrajine, lijepa, vitka, uredna tra¾i situiranog ozbiljnog muškarca za upoznavanje i za brak. Nazovite avona Rijeka 0922400731........... Ugovorite svoju poziciju: ®ena 46 godina, razvedena, ima odraslog sina,zaposlena, ¾eli upoznati muskarca s djecicom u inozemstvu... Zgodna slobodna Èehinja 30 tih god ¹kolovana, ¾eli upoznat mu¹karca za vezu brak sa JADRANA prednost OPATIJA I OKOLICA 0922989615...................... ®ene besplatno za HR,BiH, SI. ®ivot u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Easy and quick registration, online datings, security for your profiles and photos, full support. Doðite i upoznajte nove ljude! Osobni oglasi, profili, porukice i jos mnogo toga zabavnoga.

Web kamera
Web kamere u Beogradu
❤️ Click here: Web kamera
In January 2005, some queries were published in an online forum which allow anyone to find thousands of - and high-end web cameras, provided that they have a web-based for remote viewing. These recordings can then be saved to the computer, e-mailed, or uploaded to the Internet. Videocalling and videoconferencing Further information: , , and Webcam can be added to , text chat services such as , and services such as , one-to-one live video communication over the Internet has now reached millions of mainstream users worldwide. A webcam installed near lighthouse, A webcam is a that feeds or its image in real time to or through a to a.
Please try again later! Video features, including faces, shapes, models and colors can be observed and tracked to produce a corresponding form of control. A webcam installed near lighthouse, A webcam is a that feeds or its image in real time to or through a to a.
Web kamere u Beogradu - This should leave you with a better understanding on what's working and what isn't, and what needs to be fixed.
A webcam installed near lighthouse, A webcam is a that feeds or its image in real time to or through a to a. When sent to a remote location, the video stream may be saved, viewed or on sent there. Unlike an which connects using or , a webcam is generally connected by a cable, or similar cable, or built into computer hardware, such as laptops. Some of them, for example, those used as online , are expensive, rugged. Webcams are known for their low cost and their high flexibility, making them the lowest-cost form of. Despite the low cost, the offered at present 2015 is rather impressive, with low-end webcams offering resolutions of 320×240, medium webcams offering 640×480 resolution, and high-end webcams offering 1280×720 aka or even 1920×1080 aka resolution. They have also become a source of security and privacy issues, as some built-in webcams can be remotely activated by. The most popular use of webcams is the establishment of , permitting computers to act as or. Other popular uses include security surveillance, , video broadcasting, and for recording social videos. The video streams provided by webcams can be used for a number of purposes, each using appropriate software: Health care Most modern webcams are capable of by the use of a simple algorithmic trick. Researchers claim that this method is accurate to ±5 bpm. Video monitoring Webcams may be installed at places such as childcare centres, offices, shops and private areas to monitor security and general activity. Commerce Webcams have been used for experiences online. The is one example of software that utilizes the webcam in this manner. Videocalling and videoconferencing Further information: , , and Webcam can be added to , text chat services such as , and services such as , one-to-one live video communication over the Internet has now reached millions of mainstream users worldwide. Improved video quality has helped webcams encroach on traditional video conferencing systems. New features such as automatic lighting controls, real-time enhancements retouching, wrinkle smoothing and vertical stretch , automatic and autofocus, assist users by providing substantial ease-of-use, further increasing the popularity of webcams. Webcam features and performance can vary by , , and also by the computer's capabilities. Video calling support has also been added to several. Video security Webcams can be used as. Software is available to allow PC-connected cameras to watch for movement and sound, recording both when they are detected. These recordings can then be saved to the computer, e-mailed, or uploaded to the Internet. In one well-publicised case, a computer e-mailed images of the burglar during the theft of the computer, enabling the owner to give police a clear picture of the burglar's face even after the computer had been stolen. In December 2011, Russia announced that 290,000 Webcams would be installed in 90,000 polling stations to monitor the. Video clips and stills Webcams can be used to take and. Various software tools in wide use can be employed for this, such as for use with operating systems , , or with systems. For a more complete list see. Input control devices Special software can use the video stream from a webcam to assist or enhance a user's control of applications and games. Video features, including faces, shapes, models and colors can be observed and tracked to produce a corresponding form of control. For example, the position of a single light source can be tracked and used to emulate a mouse pointer, a head-mounted light would enable and would greatly improve. This can be applied to games, providing additional control, improved interactivity and immersiveness. By removing the IR filter of the webcam, IR LEDs can be used, which has the advantage of being invisible to the naked eye, removing a distraction from the user. The for the , for the , and the camera and motion sensor for the and are color digital cameras that have been used as control input devices by some games. Small webcam-based are available as either standalone executables or inside web browser windows using. Astro photography With very-low-light capability, a few specific models of webcams are very popular to photograph the night sky by astronomers and astro photographers. Mostly, these are manual-focus cameras and contain an old CCD array instead of comparatively newer CMOS array. The lenses of the cameras are removed and then these are attached to telescopes to record images, video, still, or both. Laser beam profiling A webcam's CCD response is linear proportional to the incoming light. Therefore, webcams are suitable to record laser beam profiles, after the lens is removed. The resolution of a depends on the pixel size. Commercial webcams are usually designed to record color images. The size of a webcam's color pixel depends on the model and may lie in the range of 5 to 10µm. However, a color pixel consists of four black and white pixels each equipped with a color filter for details see. Although these color filters work well in the visible, they may be rather transparent in the near infra-red. By switching a webcam into the Bayer-mode it is possible to access the information of the single pixels and a resolution below 3µm was possible. See also: Early development First developed in 1991, a webcam was pointed at the in the Computer Science Department initially operating over a local network instead of the web. The camera was finally switched off on August 22, 2001. The final image captured by the camera can still be viewed at its homepage. In 2004, the oldest webcam still operating was FogCam at , which had been running continuously since 1994. Connectix QuickCam The first commercial webcam, the black-and-white , entered the marketplace in 1994, created by the U. The original QuickCam provided 320x240-pixel resolution with a grayscale depth of 16 shades at 60 frames per second, or 256 shades at 15 frames per second. These cam were tested on several Delta II launch using a variety of communication protocols including CDMA, TDMA, GSM and HF. In 2010, named the QuickCam as one of the top computer devices of all time. Later developments One of the most widely reported-on webcam sites was , created in 1996, which allowed Internet users to observe the life of its namesake constantly, in the same vein as the , launched four years later. Aggregator websites have also been created, providing thousands of live video streams or up-to-date still pictures, allowing users to find live video streams based on location or other criteria. Around the turn of the 21st century, computer hardware manufacturers began building webcams directly into and desktop screens, thus eliminating the need to use an external USB or camera. Gradually webcams came to be used more for telecommunications, or , between two people, or among several people, than for offering a view on a Web page to an unknown public. Both sender and receiver of the images must use 3D glasses to see the effect of three dimensional image. Webcams typically include a lens shown at top , an image sensor shown at bottom , and supporting circuitry Webcams typically include a lens, an , support electronics, and may also include a for sound. Various lenses are available, the most common in consumer-grade webcams being a plastic that can be screwed in and out to focus the camera. As a camera system's is greater for small image formats and is greater for lenses with a large small aperture , the systems used in webcams have a sufficiently large depth of field that the use of a fixed-focus lens does not impact image sharpness to a great extent. Image sensors can be or , the former being dominant for low-cost cameras, but CCD cameras do not necessarily outperform CMOS-based cameras in the low-price range. Most consumer webcams are capable of providing -resolution video at a of 30 frames per second. Many newer devices can produce video in multi- resolutions, and a few can run at high frame rates such as the , which can produce video at 120 frames per second. Support electronics read the image from the sensor and transmit it to the host computer. The camera pictured to the right, for example, uses a Sonix SN9C101 to transmit its image over. Typically, each frame is transmitted uncompressed in or or compressed as. Most webcams feature built-in to make and more convenient. The UVC specification allows interconnectivity of webcams to computers without the need for proprietary device drivers. Microsoft SP2, and since October 2005 have UVC support built in and do not require extra device drivers, although they are often installed to add additional features. Many users do not wish the continuous exposure for which webcams were originally intended, but rather prefer privacy. Such privacy is lost when allow to activate the webcam without the user's knowledge, providing the hackers with a live video and audio feed. This is a particular concern on many laptop computers, as such cameras normally cannot be physically disabled if hijacked by such a program or other similar programs. Cameras such as 's older external cameras include lens covers to thwart this. However, it is possible for to circumvent the indicator and activate the camera surrepticiously, as researchers demonstrated in the case of a 's built-in camera in 2013. Various companies sell sliding lens covers and stickers that allow users to retrofit a computer or smartphone to close access to the camera lens as needed. One such company reported having sold more than 250,000 such items from 2013 to 2016. However, any opaque material will work. Prominent users include former FBI director. The fraudulent process of attempting to hack into a person's webcam and activate it without the webcam owner's permission has been called. The remotely activated webcam can be used to watch anything within the webcam's field of vision, sometimes the webcam owner itself. Camfecting is most often carried out by infecting the victim's computer with a virus that can provide the hacker access to the victim's webcam. This attack is specifically targeted at the victim's webcam, and hence the name camfecting, a of the words cam and infecting. In January 2005, some queries were published in an online forum which allow anyone to find thousands of - and high-end web cameras, provided that they have a web-based for remote viewing. Many such cameras are running on default configuration, which does not require any login or verification, making them viewable by anyone. School authorities admitted to secretly snapping over 66,000 photographs, including shots of students in the privacy of their bedrooms, including some with teenagers in various state of undress. The school board involved quickly disabled their laptop spyware program after parents filed lawsuits against the board and various individuals. Webcams allow for inexpensive, real-time and , in both amateur and professional pursuits. They are frequently used in and for online personal services offered mainly by women when. However, the ease of webcam use through the Internet for video chat has also caused issues. For example, moderation system of various video chat websites such as has been criticized as being ineffective, with sexual content still rampant. In a 2013 case, the transmission of nude photos and videos via Omegle from a teenage girl to a schoolteacher resulted in a charge. News websites such as the also produce professional live news videos using webcams rather than traditional cameras. The popularity of webcams among teenagers with Internet access has raised concern about the use of webcams for. Webcam recordings of teenagers, including underage teenagers, are frequently posted on popular Web forums and such as. Videophone calls also: and , differ from in that they expect to serve individuals, not groups. However that distinction has become increasingly blurred with technology improvements such as and sophisticated that can allow for multiple parties on a call. In general everyday usage the term videoconferencing is now frequently used instead of videocall for point-to-point calls between two units. Both videophone calls and videoconferencing are also now commonly referred to as a video link. Webcams are popular, relatively low cost devices which can provide live video and audio streams via personal computers, and can be used with many for both video calls and videoconferencing. A is generally higher cost than a videophone and deploys greater capabilities. A videoconference also known as a videoteleconference allows two or more locations to communicate via live, simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions. This is often accomplished by the use of a a centralized distribution and call management system or by a similar non-centralized multipoint capability embedded in each videoconferencing unit. Again, technology improvements have circumvented traditional definitions by allowing multiple party videoconferencing via web-based applications. A separate webpage article is devoted to. A is a high-end videoconferencing system and service usually employed by corporate offices. Telepresence conference rooms use state-of-the art room designs, video cameras, displays, sound-systems and processors, coupled with high-to-very-high capacity bandwidth transmissions. Typical use of the various technologies described above include calling or conferencing on a one-on-one, one-to-many or many-to-many basis for personal, business, educational, and and use or services. New services utilizing videocalling and videoconferencing, such as teachers and psychologists conducting online sessions, personal videocalls to , and videoconferencing to resolve at , are being created or evolving on an ongoing basis. Editors: Solomon Negash, Michael E. Woszczynski, Ken Hoganson, Herbert Mattord. Retrieved 29 July 2015. Retrieved 29 July 2015. Retrieved 29 July 2015. Webcam as a light probe beam profiler. Retrieved 29 July 2015. Retrieved 29 July 2015. Retrieved 29 July 2015. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers. Retrieved February 19, 2010. Retrieved August 15, 2010. Retrieved September 20, 2010. Main Line Media News. Retrieved September 20, 2010. Retrieved 14 May 2013. Retrieved 14 May 2013. Retrieved 29 July 2015. Editors: Solomon Negash, Michael E. Woszczynski, Ken Hoganson, Herbert Mattord. Retrieved 29 July 2015.
Si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser l'assistant d'installation, cliquez sur « lien de téléchargement direct ». You should see something pop up on your computer screen, or hear a sound, when you connect the webcam again. The popularity of webcams among teenagers with Internet access has raised concern about the use of webcams for. Now share this photo… Nice shot! Retrieved 29 July 2015. Video monitoring Webcams may be installed at places such as childcare centres, offices, shops and private areas to monitor security and general activity. We are used to seeing movies in the cinema and TV shows displayed at around 24-30 FPS. One such company reported having sold more than 250,000 such items from 2013 to 2016. This can be applied to games, providing additional control, improved interactivity and immersiveness. This is a particular concern on many laptop computers, as such cameras normally cannot be physically disabled if hijacked by such a program or other similar programs. Prominent users include former FBI director.